UConn Alumni

Reproductive Justice: The Intersection of Health, Rights, and Social Justice

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 6:30 pm
Online - Zoom Webinar

Reproductive justice is a feminist framework, developed by women of color, that centers the needs of the most marginalized and affirms our human right to bodily autonomy and to live healthy lives with access to the necessary physical, mental, political, economic, social, and sexual resources for the well-being of all people. The three core values of reproductive justice are the right to have a child, the right not to have a child, and the right to parent a child or children in safe and healthy environments.

Join us in celebration of Women’s History Month and Social Work Month! This discussion will examine and highlight the disparities in care, access, and how it affects Black maternal health and mortality rates. Attendees will also understand the reproductive justice framework, learn about access and advocacy in Connecticut, and the barriers students face in accessing care.

Please RSVP by March 19, 2024.

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Questions & Additional Information

If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Abigail Jackson via AJackson@foundation.uconn.edu.