Experienced runners, leisurely joggers, and walkers are all invited to the 22nd Annual South Park Road Race and Fitness Walk on the 5k USTAF certified course. Open to alumni, students, family, and friends 9 and older! Proceeds from this race will be received by the UConn Foundation and will benefit the UConn School of Medicine and Dental Medicine Outreach Clinics at the South Park Inn (or other such locations as determined by the Schools). The course will be chalked and will have volunteers directing you at turns. You will start in Lot D, make 2 laps around the main building, and then a lap around the Outpatient Area back to lot D. Click here for Course Map.
The first 100 runners will receive an official South Park 5K t-shirt. Awards will be given to Male and Female 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place runners.
Registration Prior to Race Day: $15 Registration on Race Day: $20
Online registration closes on September 12, 2019. No portion of the registration fee is tax deductible.
Parking: Please come to the UConn Academic Entrance. From Farmington Ave enter and go straight through the roundabout. Take a slight right (You will pass UConn ER on your left). At the first stop sign take a left. We will have somebody there to direct you to parking but plan on parking in lot K (see attached map). Race will start/end in Lot D. Registration will be under the UConn Academic Rotunda.
Time: The race starts promptly at 9:30 AM. We will have some speakers starting at 9 AM so we encourage you to get here by 8:45 AM to check in. There will be a light breakfast and music.
A few key facts:
The South Park Inn Medical Clinic serves over 750 patients a year.
The South Park Road Race is the largest fundraiser for the UConn School of Medicine and Dental Outreach Clinics, like those at the South Park Inn Medical Clinic.
Contributions to the road race support the day-to-day operations of the South Park Inn Medical Clinic (or other such locations as determined by the School).
Additional donations welcome. To make a financial contribution by mail, please make your gift payable to:
University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc.
(note UCH-SPIMC in the memo section)
South Park Road Race
UConn Health
Student Affairs AG-060
263 Farmington Avenue,
Farmington, CT 06030-1912
Online registration for this event is currently closed. Day of registration is accepted from 7am-9am. For additional information please contact Alexandra Keiser (Owens) viaemailor call the Patrick Lau at (860) 559-3612.