You're invited to the first Science Salon of the 2018 series. We hope you'll join us for drinks, networking, and exciting discussion about How Schools Succeed by Nurturing the Whole Child, featuring the work of UConn's Collaboratory on School and Child Health. Join our expert panel for a lively discussion about how teachers, researchers and schools in the state are helping
the whole child be healthy,
resilient, and ready to learn.
Moderator: Desi D. Nesmith '01, '02, '09
Chief School Turnaround Officer, Connecticut Department of Education
Althea M. Brooks '91
Executive Director, Bridge to Success Community Partnership, Waterbury, CT
Sandy Chafouleas, PhD
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Department of Education Psychology, Neag School of Education, UConn
Lindsay DiStefano, PhD, ATC
Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, UConn
$15 per person ticket price includes appetizers and a drink. Please RSVP by November 2, 2017. We look forward to seeing you there!
This program is approved for 1 Continuing Education Credit
(CEC) by the UConn School of Social Work. UConn is approved by the CT
Department of Public Health to provide continuing education credits for Social
Workers (LCSW and LMSW), Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family
Therapists and Psychologists.
Online registration for this event is currently closed; walk-in's will be welcomed at the door. For additional information please contact Caitlin Trinh viaemailor call the Office of Alumni Relations toll-free at(888) 822-5861.